Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tutorial 1 (The Hare and The Tortoise)

Children’s stories are nice to read and and impressive expecially when someone who is good at story telling tells us the story with correct pronounciation, intonation, voice and expression. Stories heard like this sometimes can never be forgotten. Some of them are Cinderella, Jack and Bean Stalk, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. One of the most interesting story among  the best is The Hare and The Tortoise. This is because of several reasons such as the storyline, the way the story is written, portrayal of characters and relevance of this story among children.
First is the story line. The Hare and The Tortoise is a simple story with only a few characters which are the Hare, the Tortoise and few other animals in the jungle. The story begins with a hare boasting around that there is no one in this world could run faster than her. One day, it laughed at a tortoise’s capability at running and made the tortoise felt very irritated. The tortoise then called the hare for a race and the hare laughed even more looking at the slow dragging tortoise. Finally, a race is arranged and both hare and tortoise got ready. The hare run fast very far once the race begins but the tortoise have just moved a few steps. After some time, the hare stopped and looked back for the tortoise and looking at the tortoise dragging herself slowly, the hare thought it could take some rest under a tree while waiting for the tortoise to come. Without realizing, it felt asleep and the tortoise walked slowly and steadily overtaking the hare. The moment the hare opens it’s eyes coming back from it’s nap, the tortoise is almost there at the winning line. The hare tried to chase the tortoise and win the race but it was too late and it lost to the tortoise. The story ends with the tortoise smiled at the hare saying ‘Slowly does it everytime’.
This story is written using simple language with simple tenses and short sentences to ease the children’s reading. The setting of this place is only one which is the jungle and only two important characters, the Hare and the Tortoise. These elements become lively with the use of colourful images in all pages. Next is the portrayal of the hare’s and the tortoise’s character. The hare is portrayed as a boastful animal who can run faster than anyone else could in the jungle. The hare also portrays a character that likes to tease and irritate other animals. The tortoise is portrayed as a patient and slow moving animal. It is a victim of the boasting hare. The tortoise also portrays a brave character by challenging the hare for a race.
Finally is the relevance of this story for kids. I think this story will take place in kids heart because they are not allowed to do most of the things such as switch on the light or lit fire on a candle because they are small and still young. So, this story will be a motivation for the kids that they are also capable of doing anything that is possible. Besides, it also gives a good lesson to the kids and to the adults as well that never ever under-estimate at someone who is smaller in size or lack in ability. Since children like victory, they’ll assume themselves as the tortoise and will develop a character of being brave, patient and humble. In conclusion, The Hare and The Tortoise carries a lot of good values which are applicable in everyone’s life and it is a good choice for children’s reading.

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